Lets Talk About Avatar

No, not the film... although that's probably the first thing that came to mine.
Really though, I want to talk about the band Avatar. They've been around a lot longer than you think. I saw them perform on Friday (16th) and that now makes it 3 times I have seen these guys perform, and they have never failed to deliver a brilliant performance.
It all started with the support act, which wasn't actually a band. It was a number of acts which performed different tricks. It included a guy who has featured on Americas Got Talent, and he did some crazy things. He put various things down his throat such as knives, a chain saw and even balanced a lawn mower on his face. Another guy was held upside down in a restraining jacket and managed to escape from it while upside down. Someone else, walked on their hands on a table on cracked glass. The scary part was, during his act the table collapsed and the act finished early because of that. Finally, there was an act where a guy put hooks in his eyes and attached weights to the hooks. It was a bizarre act, but it was nice to see something different as a support act for a band. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Some time went by, and then the lights went off at the packed Islington Assembly Hall. Avatar have previously put on brilliant shows, so I was keen to see if they could keep up the standards. When they performed, they were telling a story of 'The King' (who was actually the main guitarist). Throughout the performance, they played a lot of their new material, but also included some older classic songs such as 'The Eagle Has Landed' and 'Smells Like A Freakshow' (Listen below).
By the time they ended, I was keen for an encore. Unfortunately, the band did not do one, but still ended the gig brilliantly.